Worship & Care Ministry
“…The spiritual ministry of the church, including worship services, music, and hospitality, shall be the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Worship & Care working with the Pastor. The Ministry shall support the Pastor by keeping the Pastor informed of the needs of the congregation. They shall assist the Pastor in carrying out pastoral duties in whatever ways appropriate. Their concerns shall include all matters relating to worship and the care of the congregation…” (Bylaws)
Sunday Worship Service begins at 10 am on Facebook Live
No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
In person rehearsals (masked and social distanced) occur on the First and Third Sundays after worship from 11:15 am – 12:30 pm. Anthems are recorded and inserted into the worship service. All singers are welcome.
United Community Handbell Ensemble
United Community Handbell Ensemble is active again with precautions. (Vaccinations preferred, masks required) We are currently recruiting for two open positions and a “floating sub”. Previous musical experience is helpful, but not required – We train beginners! UCHE rehearses Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Sponsors fellowship hour on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month; assists in hosting receptions for funerals held at the church.
Looking out for our members, friends and the community
- Over 80 Birthday cards and flowers
- CCP – Care, Calling Partners
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
I'd like to be involved in the Worship & Care Ministry
Elected Members to
Outreach Ministry
- Karen Sayles
- Bree Morse
- Ashley Scherer
- Phil Brown, Virtual Director ex officio
- Barbara Connelly, Music Director ex officio
- Kurt Herber, Pastor ex officio